add Compilation Dependencies and Dependancy substitution order

Denis's Avatar


18 Jan, 2018 09:25 AM

I have a SWF project that depends on an SWC library project (referenced by includeBuild).
When I run the compileFlex task on the SWF project, the dependency resolution (addCompilationDependencies) of the compile task happens before gradle dependency substitution, which result in none of the dependent builds (SWC project) being compiled.

basic config:
settings.gradle (SWF) = "SWF"
includeBuild "../SWC"

build.gradle (SWF)
dependencies {
merged "com.bla.product:SWC:1.0"

the SWC project does not have any more dependencies.

I have added some output to compileFlex task in order to see when does it run addCompilationDependencies method and from the gradle output i see it happens before the dependency substitution runs. So at the time the dependencies are of type ExternalModuleDependency but the task is exclusively looking for type ProjectDependency.

Is there any way to force the order, or am i doing something wrong here?

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