Custom Namespace (manifest file)
How can I add a custom namespace?
I have not found any buildin feature so I've tried to
additionalCompilerOptions += [ '-namespace ${ns_uri}
${ns_location} -include-namespaces ${ns_uri}' ]
But doesn't see spark and mx after this. Trying to add spark and mx
additionalCompilerOptions += [ '-namespace ${ns_uri}
${ns_location} -namespace library://
${flexHome}/frameworks/spark-manifest.xml -namespace
${flexHome}/frameworks/mx-manifest.xml -include-namespaces
${ns_uri}' ]
But flexHome is not defined or defined wrong..
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1 Posted by shamruk on 18 Mar, 2014 01:38 PM
Finally got working solution:
additionalCompilerOptions += [
'-namespace+=,'+new File('../Flow/src/manifest.xml').absolutePath,
Support Staff 2 Posted by Maxime Cowez on 18 Mar, 2014 08:48 PM
That's it indeed, or better yet: put the namespace in a project-level variable, so you can do this:
3 Posted by shamruk on 19 Mar, 2014 01:59 PM
That look better, thx. This should go to documentation.
shamruk closed this discussion on 19 Mar, 2014 01:59 PM.